Thirty-three million people watched the season opener of 24.
Wade Hodges commented on his blog that some of us are Jackaholics.
Here is why he thinks Jack Bauer is so compelling to us:
1. Jack Bauer is always on mission. He has a purpose. He knows what it is and he let’s NOTHING get in his way.
2. Every minute of Jack’s life matters. Everything he does connects to a larger story. Jack can’t afford to waste even a minute of his day. His time is too important.
3. Jack is willing to make and has repeatedly made sacrifices for the mission. Jack’s therapist should be a millionaire by now after having helped him work through what can only be described as PTSD on steroids. Such is the cost of saving the world.
4. Jack gets to say and do things that in the deepest part of hearts we wish we could say and do. Jack’s best line from the premiere: "The only reason you’re still conscious is because I don’t want to carry you." What leader or parent hasn’t wanted to say that to someone at one time or another?
Is this the way ministry is supposed to be? What if we cared for people with this much tenacity?
Was Jesus a “Jackaholic” in a spiritual kind of way? Hmmmm.