In the steamy savanna of northeast Congo, after hours of travel on a rutted dirt road, and countless hours of labor, I met my first Mom.

Spiritual Issues, Personal Issues, Every Day Issues.....with and without the spin!
It's hard to admit that we are broken in areas of our life and need to be fixed...isn't it? Only really proud people claim to be OK.
That's the reason why I like this song so much.....because Jesus can take all the wrong in my life and make it right.
That's enough for me.....a touch is all my soul needs.
Will I ever be...all....right or correct. No, but I can be happy knowing that my Father loves me, accepts me, and wants to show me His amazing kindness. All I need is a touch......
I thought this was worth thinking about. See if you agree.
I don’t know about you but I’ve spent most of my life making myself bigger than God.
My problems.
My feelings.
My husband.
My children.
My friends.
My dreams.
My job.
My money.
My body.
My hair.
My health.
My meals.
My strengths.
My weaknesses.
My sins.
My success.
My calendar.
My past.
My future.
My life.
Me, me and more me.
Because I had a small view of God and a big view of me. I became my god.
Me, first.
God, second.
Day after day, I lived for me, while trying to love God. Something was off. I was planet size and God was a resort destination spot in my world. I had life all backwards.
In order for God to be big in my heart, soul, and mind, big enough for my problems, feelings, and my entire life, I need to become small.
The beautiful thing is God is faithfully answering my prayers over time. I’ve prayed for Him to show Himself to me more and more. And as He does, God’s love is growing and taking up space in my life where there was once only room for me. He is big, beyond huge. And I am small, very small.
Shrinking is a good thing for someone like me. Expanding God’s place in my heart and mind is a good thing.
So tell me how big is your God today? When you look at this picture, who’s in the “big” position? You or God?
Think God isn’t big enough for your problems? Think again.
“Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you,” Jeremiah 32:17(NIV).
Thank you, Father God, for invading my world. Thank You for making my heart Your destination spot. You are big. You love with big love. Remind me of Your size when I am tempted to doubt You. Remind me nothing is too hard for You. Help me resist trying to take Your place as big. It’s easy to fall back to what I know so well. I’m always tempted to be big, but I know You’ve designed me to live small. I’m learning to be okay with that. The best part of being small is knowing I fit safely in the palm of Your hand. Please teach little me to love You and others big. In Jesus’ name, Amen
Tiffany at Tea with Tiffany