Saturday, November 24, 2007

5 Million Die!

The Lost Boys of Sudan walked 1,000 miles, a trek of over 3 months, fleeing a Moslem military that had executed many of their parents and immediate family members, raped their female relatives and enslaved others. They started this death march as 5 – 13 year olds, with no preparation, no food or water. 13 year old boys buried the children that died along the way. Why does God allow this?

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, 5 million people have died, 95% of all women and girls ages 10-90 years of age in the war zone have been raped. The story never appears on American news channels and God does not seem to care either. Why?

God seems to be giving us what we asked for: a world where he is absent and unnecessary.

Remember the story of Adam and Eve? They ate the "forbidden fruit." That fruit was the idea that there's something more important in life than God himself. For Adam and Eve, this entailed the hope that they could become like God, without God.

They consumed the notion that there was something more valuable in existence than God himself, something no more valuable than having a personal relationship with God. And their story is the story of all of us, isn't it? Who hasn't said--if not audibly at least in their hearts -- "God, I think I can do this without you. I'll just go this one alone. But thanks for the offer".

We've all tried to make life work without God. Why do we do that? Probably because we've all bought the notion that there's something more valuable, more important, than God. For different people it's different things, but the mindset is the same: "God isn't what's most important in life. In fact, I'd just as soon do it without him altogether."

Maybe God has this funny idea that we should value him above all persons and all things and even above ourselves. Then, because we don't, maybe he steps out of the picture, to an extent. Maybe he says, in effect, "Okay, you don't want me around, so I'm out of here. But your world will not be the same without me."

Maybe that explains the world we live in
--a system that isn't God's intention, a system without God. In the Bible, God told Adam and Eve what such a system would look like: "Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life. ...By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return." (Genesis 3.17, 19)

The reality is that life is painful. Life is difficult. Horrible things happen to people all the time. We have to work to survive. Rather than working for pleasure, we work out of necessity, in order to feed ourselves and our families. We die. Whether it's at 7, 17, 67 or 100, we all die. No one escapes death.

So that's the system we live in: pain, having to work to survive, then death. So what's the big deal? Why is that kind of a world such a problem?

That kind of a world is a problem because we can imagine a much better world.
The Bible says that God has "set eternity in the hearts of men" (Ecclesiastes 3.11). We know, in our hearts, what a better world would look like. We dream of a better world, a more perfect world, a peaceful, war free world….we dream and long for what we once had in Eden.

If we were merely products of random chance plus time, then we wouldn't conceive of a better world --"You work hard. You endure pain. Then you die. That's life." But we don't say that in our minds. Because we know better. We know that a world free of death, pain, and survival-labor is actually possible. (That's why we ridicule God for not providing that better world right now.)

But God has left us in this world. Why? Maybe so that we would see the need for him. Maybe he's put us in this world, in this system, to show us what a world is like without him at the helm. Pretty awful.

But many of us try to make the system work in spite of its flaws. We tough it out. We work hard. We endure the pain. Then we face death courageously or with indifference--even though the world in which we currently live is the great calling card that lets us know there's something very wrong with this world.

And we are left longing for Eden…..for something that we once knew….a perfect world where the lion layed down with the lamb, a place where everyone and everything co-existed in peace and God walked with men on a daily basis. A world where God was valued instead of marginalized.

This is the difference that people experience in their lives when they “re-value” God. When they re-evaluate their priorities and make God primary in their lives. It restores the personal life, gives hope, and makes living an eternal experience instead of a fatal eventuality.

I recommend the Christian life. (Not the “go to church on Sunday and live like hell on Monday” variety.) It brings hope to a hopeless place, life to great difficulty, and joy…..sometimes in the midst of great sorrow.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

What is Baby or Child "Dedication?"

Many Christian churches practice Baby Dedication instead of infant Baptism.

A Baby Dedication is a ceremony in which believing parents, and sometimes entire families, make a commitment before the Lord to submit a child to God's will and to raise that child according to God's Word and God's ways.

Responsibilities Involved in Baby Dedication

Christian parents who dedicate a child are making a promise to the Lord to do everything within their power to raise the child in a godly way, prayerfully until he or she can make a decision on his or her own to follow God. Parents who make this vow of commitment are instructed to raise the child in the ways of God, and not according to their own ways. Some of the responsibilities include teaching and training the child in God's Word, demonstrating an example of godliness, disciplining according to God's ways, and praying earnestly for the child.

An Example of Baby Dedication in Scripture

And she (Hannah) made a vow, saying, "O LORD Almighty, if you will only look upon your servant's misery and remember me, and not forget your servant but give her a son, then I will give him to the LORD for all the days of his life, and no razor will ever be used on his head." 1 Samuel 1:11 (NIV)

When God answered Hannah's prayer by giving her a son, she remembered her vow:

"As surely as you live, my lord, I am the woman who stood here beside you praying to the LORD.

I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the LORD. For his whole life he will be given over to the LORD." And he worshiped the LORD there. 1 Samuel 1:26-28 (NIV)

Saturday, June 9, 2007

"Easy Eddie" & Al Capone: Leaving a Legacy

There was a man in Chicago called Easy Eddie. At that time, Al Capone virtually owned the city. Capone wasn't famous for anything heroic. His exploits were anything but praiseworthy. He was, however, notorious for enmeshing the city of Chicago in everything from bootlegged booze and prostitution to murder.

Easy Eddie was Capone's lawyer and for a good reason. He was very good! In fact, his skill at legal maneuvering kept Big Al out of jail for a long time. To show his appreciation, Capone paid him very well. Not only was the money big; Eddie got special dividends. For instance, he and his family occupied a fenced-in mansion with live-in help and all of the conveniences of the day. The estate was so large that it filled an entire Chicago city block. Yes, Eddie lived the high life of the Chicago mob and gave little consideration to the atrocity that went on around him.

Eddy did have one soft spot, however. He had a son that he loved dearly. Eddy saw to it that his young son had the best of everything; clothes, cars, and a good education. Nothing was withheld. Price was no object. And, despite his involvement with organized crime, Eddie even tried to teach him right from wrong.

Yes, Eddie tried to teach his son to rise above his own sordid life. He wanted him to be a better man than he was. Yet, with all his wealth and influence, there were two things that Eddie couldn't give his son. Two things that Eddie sacrificed to the Capone mob that he could not pass on to his beloved son: a good name and a good example.

One day, Easy Eddie reached a difficult decision. Offering his son a good name was far more important than all the riches he could lavish on him. He had to rectify all the wrong that he had done.

He would go to the authorities and tell the truth about Scar-face Al Capone. He would try to clean up his tarnished name and offer his son some semblance of integrity. To do this he must testify against The Mob, and he knew that the cost would be great. But more than anything, he wanted to be an example to his son. He wanted to do his best to make restoration and hopefully have a good name to leave his son.

So, he testified. Within the year, Easy Eddie's life ended in a blaze of gunfire on a lonely Chicago street. He had given his son the greatest gift he had to offer at the greatest price he would ever pay.


World War II produced many heroes. One such man was Butch O'Hare. He was a fighter pilot assigned to an aircraft carrier in the South Pacific.

One day his entire squadron was sent on a mission. After he was airborne, he looked at his fuel gauge and realized that someone had forgotten to top off his fuel tank. He would not have enough fuel to complete his mission and get back to his ship. His flight leader told him to return to the carrier.

Reluctantly he dropped out of formation and headed back to the fleet. As he was returning to the mothership, he saw something that turned his blood cold. A squadron of Japanese Zeroes were speeding their way toward the American fleet. The American fighters were gone on a sortie and the fleet was all but defenseless. He couldn't reach his squadron and bring them back in time to save the fleet. Nor, could he warn the fleet of the approaching danger.

There was only one thing to do. He must somehow divert them from the fleet. Laying aside all thoughts of personal safety, he dove into the formation of Japanese planes. Wing-mounted 50 caliber's blazed as he charged in, attacking one surprised enemy plane and then another. Butch weaved in and out of the now broken formation and fired at as many planes as possible until finally all his ammunition was spent.

Undaunted, he continued the assault. He dove at the Zeroes, trying to at least clip off a wing or tail, in hopes of damaging as many enemy planes as possible and rendering them unfit to fly. He was desperate to do anything he could to keep them from reaching the American ships. Finally, the exasperated Japanese squadron took off in another direction.

Deeply relieved, Butch O'Hare and his tattered fighter limped back to the carrier. Upon arrival he reported in and related the event surrounding his return. The film from the camera mounted on his plane told the tale. It showed the extent of Butch's daring attempt to protect his fleet. He was recognized as a hero and given one of the nation's highest military honors.

And today, O'Hare Airport in Chicago is named in tribute to the courage of this great man.


I know what you're thinking. What do these two stories have to do with one another?

Well, you see, Butch O'Hare was Easy Eddie's son.

Regardless of your past, you can leave a legacy that will change peoples lives.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Money, Money, Money, Money

Warning, this is a hot topic!

Guess what percentage of people who claim to be "committed Christians" give to their church? It's amazing!

Barna Research, the respected "Christian" research firm shows that statistically, less than 10% of Christians support their church financially?

Quote: Less than half of the people who describe themselves as Christian also described themselves as "absolutely committed to the Christian faith." Less than one out of every ten regular attenders of Christian churches give 10% or more of their income - a "tithe" - to their church.

Is that weird, wrong, backwards...or is it just me?

Here's another quote from Barna: "Barna suggested that many Americans may have fallen in love with faith rather than the object of their faith. "It's much less demanding to be devoted to the idea of faith than to invest yourself in a true relationship with the living God. The data raise the question of just what people have become infatuated with: the idea of being a person of faith or the reality of having an intimate, growing relationship with Jesus Christ."

Actions speak louder than words. That's something you can take to the is always do you think is going on?

Saturday, April 7, 2007

What The Easter Bunny Is Missing!

The Easter Bunny thinks he is living large.....actually EB is missing a lot!

If Easter is just about candy eggs, gift baskets and marshmallow peeps, we're in trouble.

His last words on the cross tell me that Easter is about so much more.

"Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." That statement tells me that Jesus understands that before I found out about his unconditional love and forgiveness that I was blind to my own sin....and He accepts me, even though I was "sin-stupid."

"Today thou shalt be with me in Paradise." This statement tells me that there is a wonderful life beyond my last breath. There is a life after this....and He will be there to welcome me.....forever!

"It is finished." Now it's up to me....I have a choice to make. I can choose to love God or to continue loving only myself.

I hope you will choose Jesus Christ this Easter. For more info: FWC

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

What Is SIN?

That is an interesting question to ask....right?

Herer are some great responses!

So what do you think "SIN" is????

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Congo Highways!

Yeah, this is it....real Congo roads...always an adventure!

I grew up in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Miles from nowhere, you depended on your vehicle, your wits and often...prayer!

This is some safari footage from Congo, Brazaville, just across the Congo River from DRC where I grew up.....but the road conditions are very similar!!!

Enjoy the video....

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Is the BIBLE.....RELIABLE??????

To answer this question, we must ask another.

What the Bible IS NOT.

1. The Bible is not a systematic theology book. The Bible was not written to communicate a set of beliefs or a cognitive framework for understanding God.

Matthew 5:17 “Don’t suppose for a minute that I have come to demolish the Scriptures— either God’s Law or the Prophets. I’m not here to demolish but to complete. I am going to put it all together, pull it all together in a vast panorama. Matthew 5:21, 27, 31, 38, 43

Even theological statements fall under the context of the relationships in the story.

2. The Bible is not a science book. The Bible was not written to explain the dinosaurs, the lost day in Joshua, or whether a day is a thousand years or a thousand years is a day, or the fossil record.

Even in the mention of natural/scientific/cosmological events, the point is about the created world’s relationship to God, about our relationship to creation, and most importantly, our relationship to God.

By taking a long and thoughtful look at what God has created, people have always been able to see what their eyes as such can’t see: eternal power, for instance, and the mystery of his divine being. So nobody has a good excuse. Romans 1:20

3. The Bible is not a history book.
The Bible was not written to give a chronological account of the development of Ancient Near Eastern civilizations from 6000BC-2000AD, including the reigns of Rameses, Melchizedek, or the modern-day Bush Dynasty.

Even in the explanation of historical events, the point is about God connecting with mankind throughout history; the Bible was written to intersect history, not to record it.

4. The Bible is not simply a handbook for living.
The Bible was not written to give us a formulaic system of earning God’s favor, or developing seven habits of highly effective people, or Rx.

But what happens when we live God’s way? He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard. Galatians 5:22

Even the ethical/moral teachings are rooted in a personal, dynamic relationship with the Living God.


1. The Bible Is a Plumb Line.
Amos 7:7-8 God showed me this vision: My Master was standing beside a wall. In his hand he held a plumb line. 8 God said to me, "What do you see, Amos?" I said, "A plumb line." Then my Master said, "Look what I've done. I've hung a plumb line in the midst of my people Israel. I've spared them for the last time. This is it!

2 Timothy 3:15b-16 There's nothing like the written Word of God for showing you the way to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another—showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God's way.

My responsibility is to stay connected to God –to follow Him – and not to skip the relationship and go for the religion.

2. The Bible Is a Love Story of God’s revelation to humanity.
“I believe God’s Word is His love letter to the human race.” C. S. Lewis

Even if it was written in Scripture long ago, you can be sure it's written for us. God wants the combination of his steady, constant calling and warm, personal counsel in Scripture to come to characterize us, keeping us alert for whatever he will do next. Romans 15:4


Yes, it’s reliable for why it exists. The Bible exists to connect me to God through a relationship with Jesus, as I begin to believe.

For more information:

Monday, January 29, 2007

Superbowl 41: The Race-ial Issue!

The big news about Superbowl 41....the commentary in all the newspapers.... online, the buzz on all the sports blogs, ....what people are talking about the race of the Superbowl coaches!


It is a big deal. It is big news. It is a "FIRST."


In my view, the day that the coaches race is not mentioned will be a bigger FIRST, because on that day we will have arrived.....America will have become a place where the color of someones skin does not matter.

What do you think?

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Why We Love Jack Bauer.

Thirty-three million people watched the season opener of 24.
Wade Hodges commented on his blog that some of us are Jackaholics.
Here is why he thinks Jack Bauer is so compelling to us:
1. Jack Bauer is always on mission. He has a purpose. He knows what it is and he let’s NOTHING get in his way.
2. Every minute of Jack’s life matters. Everything he does connects to a larger story. Jack can’t afford to waste even a minute of his day. His time is too important.
3. Jack is willing to make and has repeatedly made sacrifices for the mission. Jack’s therapist should be a millionaire by now after having helped him work through what can only be described as PTSD on steroids. Such is the cost of saving the world.
4. Jack gets to say and do things that in the deepest part of hearts we wish we could say and do. Jack’s best line from the premiere: "The only reason you’re still conscious is because I don’t want to carry you." What leader or parent hasn’t wanted to say that to someone at one time or another?

Is this the way ministry is supposed to be? What if we cared for people with this much tenacity?
Was Jesus a “Jackaholic” in a spiritual kind of way? Hmmmm.


Finding Nemo would have been vastly more exciting had Jack Bauer been looking for him.

"You don't know Jack" is a blessing among terrorists.

If everyone on "24" followed Jack Bauer's instructions, it would be called "12".

In kindergarten, Jack Bauer took down a terrorist for Show and Tell.

Jack Bauer can get McDonald's breakfast after 10:30.

When Jack Bauer was a child, he made his mother finish his vegetables.

Nobody says 'hit me' when Jack Bauer deals Blackjack.

Some people see the glass as half full. Others see it as half empty. Jack Bauer sees the glass as a deadly weapon.

Superman wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

When bad things happen to good people, its probably fate. When bad things happen to bad people, it’s probably Jack Bauer.

When the boogie man goes to sleep, he checks his closet for Jack Bauer.

Jack Bauer once forgot where he put his keys. He then spent the next half-hour torturing himself until he gave up the location of the keys.

It's no use crying over spilt milk ... unless that was Jack Bauer's milk. Then, you are dead!

When Jack Bauer ran out of ammo, he caught 3 bullets in his chest and used them to reload.

In 96 hours, Jack Bauer has saved the world 4 times. What have you done with your life?